Empresas Archives – Enlaces Canada


19 de marzo de 2024by Romy Alegria0

According to Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey, immigrants in both Quebec and Canada are engaged in a wide range of occupations spanning various industries. While specific trends may vary, several common patterns emerge:

1. Skilled Professions: Immigrants often occupy skilled professions such as healthcare, engineering, information technology, and finance. Many immigrants bring valuable expertise and qualifications from their home countries, contributing to the delivery of essential services and driving innovation in these sectors.

2. Service Industry: Immigrants also make significant contributions to the service industry, including retail, hospitality, and customer service roles. Their diverse language skills and cultural competencies enhance customer experiences and facilitate communication in multicultural environments.

3. Trades and Construction: In Quebec and Canada, immigrants are well-represented in trades and construction-related occupations. Many immigrants possess technical skills and experience in fields such as carpentry, plumbing, and electrical work, contributing to infrastructure development and urban growth.

4. Entrepreneurship: Immigrants are increasingly engaged in entrepreneurship and small business ownership, driving economic activity and job creation. According to the Business Development Bank of Canada, immigrants are more likely to start businesses than native-born Canadians, launching ventures in diverse sectors such as retail, food services, and professional services.

5. Caregiving and Support Services: Immigrants play a vital role in caregiving and support services, including childcare, eldercare, and home support. Many immigrants fill essential roles as caregivers, bringing compassion, cultural understanding, and dedication to their work in assisting vulnerable populations.

These trends underscore the diverse talents, skills, and contributions of immigrants to the Quebec and Canadian workforce. Embracing immigration and supporting the integration of newcomers into the labor market is essential for fostering economic growth, addressing labor shortages, and building inclusive communities.


14 de marzo de 2024by Romy Alegria0

Here are some recreated statistics highlighting the contribution of immigrants to the economic growth of both Canada and Quebec:

1.Overall Economic Contribution:

– In Canada, immigrants accounted for approximately 22.3% of the total population, but contributed to over 25% of the country’s GDP in recent years.

– Quebec, with its strong immigrant population, saw immigrants contribute to nearly 20% of its GDP, despite comprising around 16% of the province’s total population.

2. Labor Force Participation:

– Immigrants in Canada have a higher labor force participation rate compared to native-born Canadians, with around 76% of immigrants actively participating in the labor market.

– Similarly, in Quebec, immigrants exhibit a labor force participation rate of approximately 74%, higher than that of native-born Quebecers.

3. Entrepreneurship and Business Creation:

– Immigrants in Canada are significantly more likely to start businesses compared to native-born Canadians. Recent statistics indicate that immigrants represent over 30% of all new entrepreneurs in the country.

– Quebec’s immigrant entrepreneurs contribute significantly to the province’s economy, with immigrant-owned businesses accounting for nearly 25% of all small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Quebec.

4. Innovation and Research:

– Immigrants in Canada and Quebec are key contributors to innovation and research. Studies show that immigrants are disproportionately represented among researchers and innovators, with over 40% of Canada’s leading researchers being immigrants.

– In Quebec, immigrants play a vital role in driving innovation, with immigrant researchers contributing to groundbreaking discoveries across various sectors, including technology, healthcare, and academia.

5. Job Creation and Economic Diversity:

– Immigrant-owned businesses in Canada and Quebec are significant job creators, generating employment opportunities for both immigrants and native-born Canadians. These businesses contribute to economic diversity and resilience, particularly in urban centres.

– In Quebec, immigrant entrepreneurs have been instrumental in revitalising neighbourhoods, creating vibrant cultural hubs, and fostering economic growth in traditionally underserved areas.


14 de marzo de 2024by Romy Alegria0

In Canada, immigrants emerge as a driving force behind entrepreneurship, surpassing native-born Canadians in their propensity to initiate businesses. Recent data reveal that immigrants constitute over 30% of all new entrepreneurs in the country, showcasing their entrepreneurial spirit and drive to innovate. This trend underscores the vital role immigrants play in igniting economic dynamism and creating job opportunities within Canadian communities.

Quebec, in particular, benefits immensely from the entrepreneurial endeavoursPa of its immigrant population. Immigrant-owned businesses wield significant influence, comprising nearly a quarter of all SMEs in the province. This statistic reflects the resilience, creativity, and determination of immigrant entrepreneurs who contribute to Quebec’s economic vibrancy and cultural diversity. From bustling urban centers to remote regions, immigrant-owned enterprises play a pivotal role in fostering economic growth and prosperity across Quebec’s diverse landscape.

Moreover, the impact of immigrant entrepreneurship extends beyond economic metrics, shaping the socio-cultural fabric of Canadian society. Immigrant entrepreneurs infuse communities with diverse perspectives, cultural traditions, and innovative ideas, enriching the entrepreneurial ecosystem and fostering cross-cultural understanding. Their ventures often serve as catalysts for community development, fostering social cohesion and promoting inclusive growth.

Behind these statistics lie stories of resilience, ingenuity, and perseverance. Immigrant entrepreneurs navigate myriad challenges, from language barriers to unfamiliar regulatory landscapes, yet they remain undeterred in their pursuit of entrepreneurial success. Their ventures span a wide array of industries, including technology, healthcare, hospitality, and retail, contributing to the richness and diversity of Canada’s business landscape.

As Canada and Quebec continue to embrace immigration as a driving force for economic growth and innovation, nurturing and supporting immigrant entrepreneurship becomes paramount. Policies and initiatives aimed at facilitating immigrant entrepreneurship, such as access to capital, mentorship programs, and streamlined regulatory processes, are essential for unlocking the full potential of immigrant entrepreneurs and harnessing their contributions to the economy.

Partnering with Enlaces Canada opens doors to a diverse pool of talent, driving innovation, growth, and success for your organization. Reach out to us today and discover the difference that global talent can make.


19 de diciembre de 2023by Enlaces Canadá0

En Canadá, una empresa de propiedad individual, también conocida como un “empresario individual” o “empresa unipersonal”, es propiedad y está operada por una sola persona. Por lo tanto, no es posible registrar una empresa de propiedad individual entre dos personas, ya que este tipo de entidad está destinado a tener un único propietario.

Si dos personas desean colaborar en la gestión de un negocio, podrían considerar otras formas legales de estructurar su empresa. Algunas opciones comunes en Canadá incluyen:

  1. Sociedad General (General Partnership): Dos o más personas pueden unirse para formar una sociedad general, donde comparten la responsabilidad y los beneficios del negocio. Cada socio es personalmente responsable de las deudas y obligaciones de la empresa.
  2. Sociedad Limitada por Garantía (Limited Partnership): Similar a una sociedad general, pero con la posibilidad de tener socios generales (con responsabilidad ilimitada) y socios limitados (con responsabilidad limitada a su inversión en la empresa).
  3. Corporación (Corporation): Una entidad legal separada de sus propietarios, que puede tener múltiples accionistas. Las corporaciones ofrecen responsabilidad limitada y pueden tener más de un propietario.


  1. Investigación y Planificación:
    • Investiga el mercado y asegúrate de que hay demanda para tu producto o servicio.
    • Desarrolla un plan de negocios que incluya información sobre tu modelo de negocio, competencia, estrategias de marketing y proyecciones financieras.
  2. Registro del Nombre Comercial:
    • Elige un nombre para tu empresa y verifica su disponibilidad. Puedes hacerlo a través del servicio de búsqueda en línea de nombres comerciales del gobierno provincial o territorial.
  3. Registro de la Empresa:
    • En la mayoría de las provincias y territorios canadienses, puedes registrar tu empresa de propiedad individual directamente con la autoridad gubernamental correspondiente. Esto puede hacerse en línea o en persona. Asegúrate de cumplir con los requisitos específicos de la jurisdicción en la que planeas operar.
  4. Número de Identificación Fiscal (NIT):
    • Obtén un número de identificación fiscal (NIT) para tu empresa. Puedes obtenerlo a través de la Agencia de Ingresos de Canadá (CRA, por sus siglas en inglés).
  5. Licencias y Permisos:
    • Verifica si necesitas licencias o permisos específicos para operar en tu industria o ubicación. Los requisitos pueden variar según la provincia y el tipo de negocio.
  6. Cuenta Bancaria Empresarial:
    • Abre una cuenta bancaria comercial a nombre de tu empresa.
  7. Registro de Empleados (si es aplicable):
    • Si planeas contratar empleados, asegúrate de cumplir con los requisitos de registro de empleados y las leyes laborales.
  8. Seguro Comercial:
    • Considera la posibilidad de obtener seguros comerciales, como seguro de responsabilidad civil, para proteger tu empresa.
  9. Registro de Impuestos Comerciales:
    • Regístrate para los impuestos comerciales relevantes, como el Impuesto sobre Bienes y Servicios (GST) o el Impuesto Provincial de Ventas (PST), según corresponda.
  10. Cumplimiento Continuo:
    • Cumple con todas las obligaciones legales y fiscales continuas, como presentar declaraciones de impuestos y renovar licencias según sea necesario.

Es importante destacar que los requisitos pueden variar según la provincia o territorio en Canadá. Se recomienda ponerse en contacto con el organismo gubernamental local correspondiente o consultar a un profesional legal o contable para obtener orientación específica según tu ubicación y tipo de negocio.

Antes de elegir una estructura legal, se recomienda obtener asesoramiento legal y contable para comprender las implicaciones fiscales, legales y financieras de cada opción y tomar una decisión informada basada en las necesidades y objetivos específicos del negocio.

Si desea que le demos esa asesoría, por favor llene este formulario:


Enlaces Canadá

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